Good morning, sweet friends! The Nordstrom Sale is finally here!! Think of this as basically Christmas in July. It’s a time you can stock up on a ton of great new arrivals for fall, at an amazing price! The sale can be a little bit overwhelming, so I’m here to help!
I took a little bit of a different approach to the sale this year. Last year was my first time really covering the sale, and I felt so much pressure to buy everything because everyone else on Instagram was. This year, I decided to shop a little smarter. I made a list of all of the things I wanted, came up with a budget, and STUCK TO IT! Here is what I was on the hunt for:
- BAREFOOT DREAMS BLANKET – if there’s one thing you buy from the sale, let it be this! I bought mine last year and have used it every single day since. It is SO comfy and covers your entire body without being too heavy. Clayton would steal mine all the time, so I grabbed him one this year, and another one for myself (just in case something happens to mine, lol).
- Fall hat – I wear hats a lot in the fall, and had a game plan to find a cute, affordable one I loved.
- Snakeskin Booties – I love snakeskin almost as much as I love leopard (don’t worry – I snagged a leopard pair too! 😉 hehe) and it will be the HOTTEST trend this season! They have several different styles, but I listed the ones I bought below, and another pair I loved at the bottom!
- Other Fall Shoes – I also made it a mission to look through all the shoes and see if there were any other pairs of booties or flats that would be a great staple item I could wear over and over. Think: tan, leopard, grey. I was so excited to snag a few pairs I know will go with so many different outfits! (Side note – I did not personally purchase any boots because I LOVE my Goodnight Macaroon boots and plan on wearing those again this season, but I did share a few below if you are on the hunt for some)
- BP Cami – This is one of my favorite things to grab during the sale, because they go with SO MUCH. You can wear them with shorts, jeans, skirts, and pair them under cardigans, jackets and coats. They come in several colors and never go out of style!
- Basic Cardigan – I definitely needed a great basic cardigan (specifically a grey and black one) I could wear during the fall over all sorts of different tops. I was really excited about the ones I found, because the price was amazing!
- Rayban Sunglasses – I saw these Raybans in the catalog a few weeks ago and they immediately caught my eye. I don’t buy sunglasses very often, so I treated myself to these while they were on sale.
- Michelle Watch – Last but not least, a nice watch. I have never owned a nice watch in my life, and think it is such a great investment piece to have (especially a Michelle watch). I grabbed this unbelievably gorgeous watch and told Clayton he has to save it and give it to me at Christmas 🙂 We’ll see if we can actually hold out until then 😉 But in all seriousness, if you are on the hunt for a nice watch, the NSALE is a great time to grab it because I got mine for $1,000 off the original price!
Before I go any further, I want you guys to know that you do not HAVE to buy ANYTHING. I know there is a lot of pressure around this time of year to buy buy buy, but I never want anyone to feel stressed or spend money they don’t have because they feel like they’re missing out. If you are on the hunt for something specific and have the budget to buy it, then great! I do think this sale is a great time to grab those fall essentials that will go back up to full price when the sale is over. But if you don’t have the budget, DO NOT spend above your means. I tried really hard to stick to what I truly think I needed (which is obviously a little more than the average person because this is my job). At the end of the days, things are just things and will not bring you happiness.
Below I have broken my selections up into two sections: the first being the items I purchased, and the second being other items I really liked. I went through every page of the sale, and truly only picked the things I think are actually worth spending money on. The second group of items are items I love, but didn’t feel I personally needed (or already own). Besides these items, I think the rest of the sale is pretty blah. So I hope this helps you guys save time when you are shopping so you don’t have to go through all 38 pages 🙂 I will be sharing all of the items I got on Instagram stories next week when I get my order in, so stay tuned for that if you’re curious! Please send me a DM on Instagram (@jesshogancrum) if you have any questions, and happy shopping!
What I Bought:
Other Items I loved:
Shoes & Accessories:
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